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Exercise with These 5 Household Items to Get a Perfect Body

Exercise with These 5 Household Items to Get a Perfect Body

You can do use your household items and furniture to be your temporary workout station. Let’s see how!

1. Bed. Bed has a soft surface perfect for stomach exercises. Just lay on your back with both arms to your side. Lift your hip, bend your knees, push your hands to the floor, and move your hip and arms toward your body. Hold for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 5 sets.


2. Chair. Sit with your back against the backrest, keep your legs parallel to the floor, squeeze your abs, and breathe in. Then, breathe out as you put your feet on the floor. Repeat 20 times.


3. Towel. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, grasp the towel with both hands, leave a gap between both hands wide than the shoulder width, and place the towel at thigh level. Then, return to the shoulder level and repeat. Always keep pull the towel tight throughout. One up-and-down movement is considered 1 time. Repeat 3 sets, 10 times each.

4. Kitchen stools. Grip the edge of the stools and stand with legs apart. Place your weight to the toes and lift the heels like you are tiptoeing. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 sets. This helps to strengthen your legs and reduce pain while standing.


5. Pan. Grab pan’s handle with both hands, place the pan to the back of your head, and move your arms up and down. Repeat 30 times. This is a good way to exercise your shoulders.


This is how you stay home, stay safe, and stay fit!

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