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Does Having a Plant at Your Desk Help with Stress?

Does Having a Plant at Your Desk Help with Stress?

You might not realize that having a small plant on your desk or by the window can help you work better. And here are reasons why:

1. Your brain has to work and stay active all the time at work. Taking some time off screen to enjoy a green spot on your desk can make you feel calm, relaxed and safe. Green is in a cooler tone, which represents nature and its opulence. Plants that you can choose are: ferns, aglaonema, flamingo lilies, and golden hanii.

2. People with health or emotional problems can calm their mind with the beauty of these plants. You may realize that there’s always a silver lining on a stormy day. Try planting urn plants, bonzai, and lucky bamboo. 

3. If you want to improve air quality around your desk, try planting one of these anti-pollution plants, such as flamingo lilies and peace lilies, since the leaves of which are able to block dust and purify the air around you.

4. There's a saying that a small plant can make you feel safe and keep toxic people away from you. It is believed that, because of its horns, growing cactus can give you strength if you take good care of them.

5. If you have financial concerns and can’t make both ends meet, try growing albo virens on your desk. Albo virens, aka “Money and gold saving” in Thai, is believed to have a positive influence on your spending habits. It is a climbing plant which is believed to draw offers and money. Also, it can help generate oxygen, suitable for people with allergy as it doesn’t have flowers and pollen.

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