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Get to Know Intermittent Fasting, a New Weight Loss Trend

Get to Know Intermittent Fasting, a New Weight Loss Trend

Intermittent Fasting or IF is a worldwide trend for weight loss. It has been supported by many researches with an easy concept of having a clear-cut “eating” and “fasting” time. IF can control calories in your body, stimulate burning process and reduce excessive fats, which will definitely make you become healthy.

However, this weight loss method is not recommended for those who require intensive health care such as women with pregnancy, recently delivered mothers, diabetes patients or people with high-sugar, people with low-blood pressure and patients receiving prescription.

Here are examples of intermittent fasting methods:

1. 16:8 method. 16-hour fasting window and 8-hour eating window with 2 meals. The first meal is at noon (12.00 pm) while the last meal is at 8.00 pm. The eating window is 8 hours. Fasting starts right after the last meal to noon of the next day (12.00 pm of the second day). The fasting window is 16 hours. The first meal varies upon availability. This is the most popular method with fewer effects on daily routine.

2. 19:5 method. 19-hour fasting window and 5-hour eating window. That means you can eat only one big meal. This might be difficult since the fasting window is quite long. For example, the first meal is at 10.00 am, and the second meal is at 5.00 pm of the next day. This method requires a gradual adjustment until your body gets used to it.

3. 5:2 method. Out of 7 days in a week, regular eating is allowed for 5 days. For the rest 2 days, only 500-600 calories are allowed each day.

4. Whole-day fast or 24-hour fast for 1-2 days a week. For example, skip today’s breakfast until the next day’s breakfast. You can eat normally on the days you don’t fast.

5 Fast every other day. Eat on odd days, fast on even days.

The most important factor in IF is all 5 categories of foods. Avoid eating too sweet, oily, and salty dishes. Limit your dessert. Those who have to control sugar in blood need to be more careful with eating choices. Water, non-sugar coffee or sugar-free soda is allowed during fasting window to keep you feel active. Most of all is to know your limit.

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